Thank you for taking part in our Hybrid Experience

See you next year, March 14-16 2023

Last week, our 16th consecutive Forum – and our first Hybrid Event – left us exhilarated by the many simply fantastic projects, presentations, case-studies, discussions, panels, feed-back rounds, hangouts, break out rooms, speeches, one-to-one meetings, glowing screens, zoom- and exchange across the Globe!After some time apart it felt really special to be able to welcome all participants who came to Malmö in person, and at the same time be able to connect with those who participated online.

The m:brane team after closing this year’s event at Elite Hotel Savoy in Malmö

Here are some numbers from m:brane 2022 that make us very proud:

  • 4 days
  • 29 countries
  • 41 presented projects in development 
  • 47 mill euro in total worth of presented projects
  • 60+ Decision Makers & Experts
  • 80+ Producers & Directors
  • 243 delegates
  • 350+ one-to-one meeting

Project with the highest number of one-to-one meetings matched by m:branes Camilla Larsson: The pitch award winning team of Uncle Egg, with 15 meetings, and a couple of more coming up after m:brane.

Silver medal to the REALYOUNG© project Spark, with 14 meetings.

Bronze to Stairway to Heaven with 13 meetings.


Thanks also to all of you, who have sent us so many warm regards and cheering greetings, following the end of this year’s Forum. Here are some of the reactions we have received so far.

“Lovely is the best description of my experience this year. Great to see everybody after two long years. Always so nice to talk to and with a dedicated audience of great professionals. And an amazing venue as well. The programme was super and the food was lovely, Can’t wait till next year:)”

Asta Wellejus Digital Director and Producer CEO, Die Asta Experience (Denmark)
Speaker at the Opening Industry Day conference

“Terrific event, great atmosphere, lovely people!”

Louise Rosen Managing Director, Louise Rosen Ltd. (United States)
Project: The Gender Project
Speaker at m:brane Learning, the Opening Industry Day conference

“I just wanted to thank you for having us at the REALYOUNG© Development workshop. Generally, I must admit that everything was well organized and the platform worked perfectly. The team did a good job as the quality of the meetings was really high. Also, I appreciate a lot that we were given the feedback from Youth Experts, that was the best! Hope to see you again soon! Greetings from sunny Prague.”

Zuzana Kučerová Producer, Frame Films (Czech Republic)
Project: Dakar Sistaz
REALYOUNG© Development Team

“Thank YOU! You are creating a safe and cool environment for all of us! Very well done!”

Arild Halvorsen Producer, Fabelaktiv as (Norway)
Project: Stairway to heaven
Pitch Team

“Just finished my last 1:1 Pitch meetings at the brilliantly organized m:brane. Congrats to Lennart Ström, Annette Brejner & team for a seamlessly arranged Hybrid Event! I’ve met with filmmakers and creators from Norway to Egypt, Croatia, Serbia, Sweden, UK, Serbia, France and beyond. A great event. I was sorry not to be there in person but the hybrid experience was perfectly done!”

Alison Norrington CEO, Founder & Chief Creative Director Storycentral (United Kingdom)

“It really is a great group of youth experts you have! In all of my Forum meetings, the film teams were eager to learn more from the youths! That is a great accomplishment for the REALYOUNG© programme and m:brane!”

Lisa Nyed Commissioning Editor Documentary Film / Head of Documentary,
Film i Skåne (Sweden)
Decision Maker

“Thank you so much, wonderful Team of m:brane – This one of the best places to pitch projects for children in the world!!!! Happy to have presented “GLOBETROTTERS” animated series (supported by Film- und Medienstiftung NRW) in development at m:brane in Malmö, Sweden. Now I have connected with new partners and future collaborations! Wonderful combination of projects!!! Wonderful cultural event! Thank you so much for all! As always just brilliant!”

Lilia Schneider Producer, Director, Author, CINÉ-LITTÉ Productions
Project: Globetrotters
Pitch Team

Don’t forget the survey

For those of you who have participated at m:brane, please don’t forget to fill in the survey about your experience from m:brane 2022 that’s sent to your email. These replies are really helpful for us to be able to create the best possible experience and outcome for you next time around. Thanks!

If you’d like to revisit some photo streams

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