Words from our Pitch Producer
Maritte Sørensen has been working as m:brane’s Pitch Producer for three years now. A role where she is fully immersed in all the projects pitching, as she is the main point of contact for the Pitch Teams, making sure they get all the information they need and that m:brane has all the material needed for the pitches. But the pitch system can be seen as so much more.
“The pitch system at m:brane can be seen as a support system for the pitching producers. Our goal is to help and lift the pitching projects all the way up to the actual pitch. The team at m:brane are here to help assist and uplift the projects to be presented in the best way possible. To do this, we have found that both Pitch Training and Pre-Pitch Meetings for pitching producers boost confidence and add a touch of calmness to the pitches.”
Maritte, the pitch trainer and moderator work closely together to ensure that the pitch teams feel safe and secure, with the right amount of nerve once they hit the stage.
More info about pitching at m:brane here!