Our Official Selection is announced each year around February 1st and all submitting producers are notified directly.
►Creative ideas and high artistic standards
►Commercial potential for international distribution
►Qualified production team
►Strong financing potential
►Willingness to and potential for co-production
If your project has been selected in the following categories, Main Pitch, REALYOUNG Pitch or Work in Progress pitch, you will be pitching during m:brane Forum.
If your project has been selected, a Pitching fee will apply.
When selected for m:brane Pitch we will assist you to make sure your project is presented in the best possible way.
You will be set in contact with the Pitch Producer who will provide you with all relevant information for your pitch participation. The Pitch Producer will be your main contact for your Pitch Preparation.
Included in your Pitch Team fee are all-access accreditations for up to two people. The fee includes the exclusive and important pitch training prior to the Forum and a pre-pitch meeting with our Pitch Moderator and Pitch Producer. All matchmaking of your One-to-One meetings are included and furthermore you will have access to the Opening Industry Conference and all networking opportunities such as lunches, cocktails and coffee breaks during m:brane 2024.
► To launch a project and make a buzz
► To get individual Pitch training
► To connect to decision-makers and get your name out there
► To get a testing ground for your presentation and trailer
► To advance the way you understand your project and the way you communicate it
► To learn from the feedback from our experts
► To learn what works for the crowd
► To meet future co-production and other partners
► To schedule one-to-one meetings with decision makers
► To prepare for your next project
► To be inspired by the visions, ideas and experimental projects of others
Questions? Contact!
Lennart Ström
Phone: +46 (0) 708 768 951